Monday, September 28, 2015

People sh!t me

I'm starting to become curmudgeonly. People are either getting stupider or ruder or both. People are so self centred. When clearly I'm the most important person in the room. Acquiesce to my whims lowly peasants.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dream of the Queen

So i dreamt of the queen last night. Crazy eh.

I'd been watching the english show Fresh Meat. The character of Vod got married and there was some other highjinks.

So i dreamt that Kingsley was getting married and I was the best man.

His grandma was the queen and I started talking to her. I asked her what she did in her spare time and she replied Greek Literature.

The take away from this is why wouldn't my brain give me naked girls, and don't eat Vanilla Yoghurt with a suspect expiry date.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Saturday Afternoon in the burbs...

So I'm tootling around the Internet looking for something to do while waiting for my Kasperky update to download. Can't understand why the damn thing is taking so long.

One of the kids is here and is playing Team Fortress. So they are probably sucking up all the bandwidth.

Oh well, one of the crappy things about Aussie internet. Maybe we will catch up to the other countries and get some faster connectivity.

Still I remember back in the day of dial-up. That was pretty sucky. I remember taking two days to download the Trailer to "The Phantom Menace"

Wow, I had high hopes for that movie. George Lucas nearly unmade the Star Wars universe with that one. Why didn't he just make the series that Timothy Zahn wrote. 

I mean there was a whole extended universe to draw from. Still now that he has sold the rights to Disney hopefully someone else can stamp some story onto the special effects. 

Take Care and Stay Happy. 


Sunday, January 4, 2009

The first boring post written under the Influence of Talisker

So today I started a blog...

Not really sure what it's about or what I should put into it.

I've always written a journal maybe that's what I'll put there. Not really sure why anyone else would care. But there are millions of people in the world that can't sleep and are surfing randomly around the internets.

Ahh screw it I don't have anything to talk about at the moment...catchya later